Monday 20 October 2014

Boost your minerals with sugarcane molasses

Sugar canes are harvested and machines are used to press the juice out of the cane. That juice is boiled, then put through centrifugal machinery to extract the sugar crystals from the liquid. What’s left is molasses, and there are three grades of it on the market: sulphured, unsulphured, and blackstrap.  The third boiling necessary to extract table sugar from sugar cane or beet sugar produces a thick dark substance known as blackstrap molasses, which is the most nutrient dense of all.

Why you should try molasses

Minerals are not only removed by processing foods. They tend to be lacking in fresh crops raised in mostly depleted soils as well. Many health and nutritional experts claim that minerals and enzymes are even more important than vitamins for our health. Without minerals, vitamins won’t work!
 Poultry Feed Madurai | Shriram Industry | Need Molasses India
The first thing for the sugar wary (and weary) to consider is that mineral-rich blackstrap molasses has a low glycemic index. This means its glucose and carbohydrates are metabolized slowly, demanding less insulin production and stabilizing blood sugar. The result is less lipids or fats in the blood. This means your chances of becoming diabetic while satisfying a normal sweet tooth with molasses are virtually nil. Because of its high iron content, many use blackstrap molasses to holistically overcome iron deficiency anemia. Iron is essential to creating red blood cells. In addition to iron, blackstrap molasses contains folate, a natural source for folic acid, along with some other B vitamins, which all combine to form the synergistic mix that promotes red blood cell production.

Potassium is another mineral abundant in sugarcane molasses. A deficiency in potassium results in weak muscles and is considered a factor in causing arthritis. Potassium helps maintain a calmly functioning nervous system, and it is also important for heart health. Even the American Heart Association has included unsulphured blackstrap molasses as a food supportive of good heart health.
Manganese, a trace mineral, is found in good supply in unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Manganese ions function with a number of enzymes, and are essential to combating unusual free radicals. Like magnesium, manganese supports cellular absorption of nutrients, and is beneficial to the nervous system. Manganese also helps synthesize fatty acids and stabilize blood sugar levels.
Molasses Bran | Seller of Sugarcane Molasses in India

There certainly are a lot of nutrients to support the nervous system in this sweetener! It seems that this inexpensive nutrition would provide a useful alternative and deterrent to the hyperactivity and ADD in youngsters who consume too much sugar. And sugarcane molasses has been used successfully for just that! All the minerals and nutrients of unsulphured blackstrap molasses are in their natural, balanced form to create a bio-accessible, nutritional synergy. If your budget prohibits more than the purchase of essential targeted supplements, blackstrap molasses is a good way to go for an overall nutritional boost. A complete nutrient analysis of unsulphured blackstrap molasess can be found at the link below.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Benefits of molasses meal in cattle feed

Molasses meal use was popularized during the health food movement in the mid-20th century. The largest producers of this product are India, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Brazil, and the United States. This article highlights the health benefits of blackstrap molasses.


This product is a healthy sweetener, full of nutritional value, unlike refined white sugar or artificial sweeteners like saccharine. Just two teaspoons contain over 10% of the US Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, potassium, and other valuable minerals and nutrients.
Supplier Molasses Meal India|Cattle Feed Seller|Molasses Madurai

Calcium: Calcium is one of the important minerals required by our body. It is needed for forming and maintaining strong bones and teeth. Two teaspoons of this sweetener meets 11.8% of our daily need for calcium.

Magnesium: It is essential not only for bones and cell energy production, but is also needed for regulating calcium levels. It controls the flow of calcium in nerve cells. Two teaspoons of this byproduct daily provides 7.3% value for magnesium.

Copper: Copper is essential for iron utilization, production of hair, and skin pigments known as melanin, free radical elimination, development of bone tissue, controlling good and bad cholesterol, and other physiological processes in the body. Your breakfast cereal or tea, sweetened with two teaspoons of this syrup will provide 14.0% of the daily recommended value for copper.
Poultry Feed Madurai | Shriram Industry | Need Molasses India

Manganese: Manganese protects the body against damage from free radicals. It helps in the production of protein and carbohydrates and is important for a healthy nervous system. Just two teaspoons of the syrup will supply 18.0% of the day's needs for manganese.

Iron: Two teaspoons of this syrup will supply you 13.3% of the daily recommended value for iron, replenishing your iron stores. Iron is essential for energy production and metabolism. This concentrated product provides more iron and less calories and is especially useful for growing children and lactating women, as they are more prone to iron deficiency.

Potassium: It is important for the smooth functioning of the muscle and the nervous system. It helps to maintain the body's electrolyte and pH balance. Two teaspoons daily will provide you with 9.7% recommended value of potassium.

In addition to the above, this sweet item is a good source of vitamin B6 and selenium. It has 16 calories per teaspoon, which is the same as that of sugar.

Curative Powers

It has been known to help in curing fibroid, anemia, anxiety, constipation, arthritic pain, heart palpitations, etc. It also helps to turn gray hair back to its original color.